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发布时间 :2022年09月22日 浏览量 :

中华优秀传统文化历久弥新,塑造了中国人民的价值观与精神世界,也蕴含着属于全人类的共同价值。立足于中华民族伟大复兴战略全局和世界百年未有之大变局,习近平总书记提出了“弘扬和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值”。四川大学顺应全球科技文化发展趋势,布局未来,以重大科学问题为导向,促进学科交叉融合与学科集群的创新发展,启动“创新 2035” 五大先导计划,其中文明互鉴与全球治理研究计划旨在加强世界不同文明间的相互交流与借鉴,坚定我国的文化自信。

为弘扬新时代精神,推动中华优秀传统文化传承与创新,促进人类共同价值建构,四川大学“创新 2035”先导计划-文明互鉴与全球治理研究计划,中华多民族文化凝聚与全球传播省部共建协同创新中心以及国家高端智库培育单位四川大学中国南亚研究中心将于2022 年9月24-25日举办“中华优秀传统文化中蕴含的全人类共同价值研究”国际论坛。







924日 上午/Morning


Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speeches


会议开幕式/Opening Ceremony


嘉宾致辞/Opening Ceremony Address


主持人/Host: 四川大学副校长姚乐野教授

Pro. Yao Leye, Vice President of Sichuan University


1. 领导致辞

Delegates address the forum


2. 尼泊尔前驻华大使利拉·马尼·鲍德尔先生致辞

Leela Mani Paudyal, the former Ambassador of Nepal to China, addresses the forum



Thomas O. Beebee, the editor-in-chief of Comparative Literature Studies, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor at Penn State University, addresses the forum


4. 四川大学文科杰出教授、欧洲科学与艺术院院士、新2会员管理端10888学术院长曹顺庆教授致辞,宣布论坛开始

Cao Shunqing, Distinguished Professor, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Academic Dean of the College of Literature and Journalism of Sichuan University, addresses the forum and announces the opening of the forum

主旨演讲/Keynote Speeches  


主持人/Host: 四川大学社科处处长傅其林教授

Pro. Fu Qilin, Division chief of the Social Sciences Division at Sichuan University


1. 张隆溪(香港城市大学):打破中西文化的不平衡

Zhang Longxi (City University of Hong Kong): "On Breaking the Cultural Imbalance between China and the West"


2. 曹顺庆(四川大学):文明互鉴:历史与现实

Cao Shunqing (Sichuan University): "Mutual Learning among Civilizations: History and Reality"


3. 彭青龙(上海交通大学):世界眼光与比较视角:文明、文化、文学话语的变迁及权力转换

Peng Qinglong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) : "World Vision and Comparative Perspective: The Discursive Change of Civilization, Culture, and Literature, and Power Transition"




924日 上午/Morning

第一组/Section 1  11:00~12:30

主持人/Moderator:霍巍 Huo Wei      

评议人/Commentator:刘跃进 Liu Yuejin

1. 顾明栋(达拉斯德州大学):儒家恕道:构建世界和谐的基石

Gu Mingdong (University of Texas at Dallas): "Confucian Way of Tolerance: A Cornerstone for the Construction of World Harmony"

2. 李点(亚利桑那大学):致知、移位和共情: “洞穴寓言的文学解读

Li Dian (University of Arizona) : "Knowing, Transposing, and Empathizing: Literary Interpretation of 'The Allegory of the Cave'"

3. 张哲俊(四川大学):唐风地名的价值:来源、构造与文学的使用

Zhang Zhejun (Sichuan University): "The Value of the Geographic Names with Tang Style: Origin, Structure, and Application in Literature"

4. 詹石窗(四川大学):中华文化的大生命意识对于人类生活的价值

Zhan Shichuang (Sichuan University): "The Value of the Sense of Great Life in Chinese Culture for Humans' Living"

5. 傅其林(四川大学):中华文化对人类共同价值的贡献

Fu Qilin (Sichuan University): "The Contribution of Chinese Culture to the Common Values of Humanity"

924日 下午/Afternoon

第二组/Section 2  14:30~16:10

主持人/Moderator:彭青龙 Peng Qinglong

评议人/Commentator:张哲俊 Zhang Zhejun

1. 蒋承勇(浙江工商大学):现实主义文论话语之中国本土传播流变与体系建构

Jiang Chengyong (Zhejiang Gongshang University): "The Spread and Change of Realism Discourse in China and Its Systematic Construction "

2. 刘跃进(中国社会科学院):文学视野中的中华文明精神特质

Liu Yuejin: "The Spiritual Characteristics of Chinese Civilization in the View of Literature"

3. 王宁(上海交通大学):全球化时代的新儒学建构

Wang Ning (Shanghai Jiao Tong University): "The Construction of Neo-Confucianism in the Age of Globalization"

4. 黄维樑(原香港中文大学)“仁义礼智信”与“真善美”——中华文化蕴含人类共同价值观略说

"Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom and Trustworthiness" and "Truth, Kindness and Virtue" -- A Brief Introduction to the Common Values of Mankind Embodied in the Chinese Culture

5. 曾 明(西南民族大学):中华优秀传统文化传承与创新——从苏东坡的活法说起

Zeng Ming (Southwest Minzu University): "The Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Culture—Beginning with Su Dongpo's 'Way of Living'"

6. 孙郁(中国人民大学):以词觅史的可能——关于张伯驹研究的几个问题

Sun Yu (Renmin University of China): "The Potential of Seeking History in Poetry—Questions on the Study of Zhang Boju"


924日 下午/Afternoon

第三组/Section 3  16:2018:00

主持人/Moderator: 詹石窗 Zhan Shichuang

评议人/Commentator: 蒋承勇 Jiang Chengyong


Bernard Franco (Sorbonne University): "Comparative Literature and Humanities: Is Humanism a Common Value of Mankind?"

2. 霍巍(四川大学):丝绸之路在青藏高原的延伸

Huo Wei (Sichuan University): "The Stretch of the Silk Road in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau"

3. 艾伦·麦克法兰(剑桥大学):理解喜马拉雅的一些困难与回报

Alan Macfarlane (Cambridge University): "Some Difficulties and Reward in the Understanding of the Himalayas"

4. 阿维杰特·班纳吉(印度国际大学):回顾印中教育合作的历史与前景:印中语言学习为基础

Avijit Banerjee (Visva-Bharati University): "A Retrospect and Prospect of the Cooperation of China and India in Education: Based on Indian-Chinese Language Learning"

5. 利拉·马尼·鲍德尔(尼泊尔前驻华大使):文化:尼泊尔与中国关系的基柱

Leela Mani Paudyal (Former Ambassador of Nepal to China): "Culture: A Fundamental Pillar of Nepal-China Relations"

6. 尹锡南(四川大学):当前中国文明与南亚文明对话、互鉴的问题与路径

Yin Xi’nan (Sichuan University): "The Problem and Approach to the Dialogue and Mutual Learning between Chinese and South Asian Civilizations at Present"


925日 上午/Morning

第四组/Section 4  9:0010:40

主持人/Moderator:傅其林 Fu Qilin

评议人/Commentator:王宁 Wang Ning

1. 钱志熙(北京大学):古典学:中国古典学术的绍续与发展

Qian Zhixi (Peking University): "Chinese Classical Studies: The Inheritance and Development of Chinese Classical Academics"


Kazuaki Komine (Rikkyo University): "The Japanese Perspective of The Great Tang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions—A Survey Centering around the Middle Ages of Japan"

3. 郁龙余(深圳大学):中国:作为文明国的六大特征

Yu Longyu (Shenzhen University): "China: The Six Characters for being a Country of Civilization"

4. 杨玉华(成都大学):天府文化史上的几次海外文化交流互鉴

Yang Yuhua (Chengdu University): "On Several International Exchanges and Mutual Learning in Chengdu’s Cultural History"

5. 谭佳(中国社会科学院):人文化成:从中华文明特性看传统优秀文化的当代价值

Tan Jia (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): "Ren Wen Hua Cheng: Examining the Contemporary Values of Fine Traditional Culture through the Unique Character of Chinese Civilization"

6. 罗庆春(西南民族大学):论彝族英雄史诗《支格阿鲁》中的人类精神美德

Luo Qingchun (Southwest Minzu University): "On the Human Spiritual Virtues in Zhi Ge Alu, the Epic of Yi Nationality of China"



925日 上午/Morning


Panel: Values of Humankind and the Community with a Shared Future


主持人/Moderator徐新建 Xu Xinjian



1. 曹顺庆(四川大学):文明互鉴中的跨文化对话

Cao Shunqing (Sichuan University): "Transcultural Dialogue in Mutual Learning of Civilization"


2. 托马斯·毕比(宾夕法尼亚州立大学):世界诗学中的不可译

Thomas O. Beebee (Penn State University)"The Untranslatables of World Poetics"


3. 曾 明(西南民族大学):文论话语中的价值关联

Zeng Ming (Southwest Minzu University): "The Correlation of Values in Poetics Discourse"


Closing Ceremony  




Pro. Li Yi, Dean of the College of Literature and Journalism of Sichuan University addresses the closing ceremony




  1. Zoom线上会议:会议号:81842045069,密码请联系主办方(邮箱scu2011construct@163.com)。
