Liu Jixiang

Education Background:
l 2011 – 2015, PhD, Hong Kong Baptist University, thesis: Representation, Discourse and Identity: A Study of the English Translations of Dao De Jing(道德经) by Chinese Translators during the Period 1936 – 1950.
l 2007 – 2009, postgraduate, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (Canton), Translation Theory.
l 2002 – 2006, bachelor, Jinan University (Canton), Business English.
Working Experience:
2016 - Today, Post-Doctor, International Affairs Office, College of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University;
Oct. 2015,Assistant, Santos (London), Fine Art Asia, HK
2014 –2016, columnist(part-time), “Art Review” ofOriental Morning Post, Shanghai.
2015, Hong Kong-based reporter (part-time), The Art News (Chinese version)
2010 -2011, English teacher, pre-university program, Jinan University.
Translation / Interpreting :
l 2014. legal deposition outsourced by HK office, Merrill Legal Solutions(Interpreting).
l 2013. “Green Mountains Calm My Worries” (青山淡吾虑)by Jonathan Chaves (English - Chinese, a “Preface” to a forthcoming calligraphy publication by Daniel C.K. Lau,HKBU.(English - Chinese)
l 2012. “ Biographical Chronology of Yang Fuyin” (Chinese – English), Yang Fuyin Gallery (杨福音艺术馆).
l 2011. “Requiem for the Living”(生命挽歌) by Alan Cherchesov, a project for International Writers Workshop, HKBU. (English – Chinese)
(Please refer to )
Essays(in Chinese)for “Art Review”, Oriental Morning Post, Shanghai
1. < 从“平庸”迈向“卓越”的黄宾虹晚期艺术> “Huang Binhong’s Late Paintings : From Mediocrity to Excellence” ( Jan, 2015)
2. < 艺坛遗贤——记香港美术专科学校创校校长陈海鹰(1918-2010)> “A Forgotten Artist – a story of Chen Haiying, the founder of Hong Kong Academy of Fine Arts ”(1918-2010) (April, 2015)
Academic Essays (in Chinese) :
1. 从语言象似性论诗歌意象并置翻译中形式对等的重要性——以《天净沙·秋思》译文为例 (On the Significance of Formal Equivalence of Image Juxtaposition in Poem Translation from the Perspective of Language Iconicity——Exemplified by Two Translated Versions of Autumn Thoughts),Journal of Southwest Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition), No. 2, 2009
2. 澄清解构主义翻译思想在中国语境下的相关误读(Clarifying the Misunderstanding on Deconstructional Translation in Chinese Context),Journal of Chengdu University(Educational Sciences Edition), No2, 2009